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Privacy Policy

LTD „ SMINI” values their client data and its confidentiality. LTD „ SMINI” is a commercial company registered in Latvia’s Commercial Register with a registration number 40203083596. The Privacy Policy Rules are applied to all clients and users of LTD „ SMINI” site

„Data Subject” is any individual that can be directly or indirectly identified. „User Data” is considered to be any information that can be applied to any physical person using the site. The data includes but is not limited to first name, last name, identification number, personal number, address or any other user identifiable data. User Data does not include any statistical or anonymous data, combined data or any derived data that cannot be used to identify an individual person.

Privacy Policy Rules and Privacy Policy is the exact same rule that applies to any actions or inquiries about the site

Data Processing

LTD „ SMINI” takes responsibility for data required to maintain its’ business actions and to secure its’ client data and maintain its validity by instructing the user to correctly enter the data in the required fields.

LTD „ SMINI” processes the personal data in a way to maintain its confidentiality and will take all the required steps to protect and secure the data. LTD „ SMINI” keeps and processes the client data only for the purposes of LTD „ SMINI” functionality maintenance according to the regulatory requirements.

The personall data will not be further supplied to a third person in any instances apart from situations where the Data Subject has complied with sharing of data, it is required to maintain the validity of contractual obligations between LTD „ SMINI” and Data Subject or is allowed in any other way with compliance to applicable regulations.

Accuracy, Completeness and updating

LTD „ SMINI” determines to maintain the accuracy of personal data submitted and relies on its clients and third parties to maintain the validity of the personal data submitted.

If necessary, Data Subject maintains all rights to change or delete any personal data that applies to their account.


If the client has decided to register on the Foodio site, client will be asked to supply their personal information including first name, last name, address, e-mail address and other data. LTD „ SMINI” maintains all rights to use the personal information to personalize and improve the functionality of the site. It can include, but is not limited to advertisement offers, that have been specified and based upon previous client orders and provided by client online or using e-mail with specific clients’ approval or within rights of regulatory requirements.


LTD „ SMINI” will do everything in its power to maintain the security and confidentiality procedures to avoid any inappropriate data use, access, publication, copying, editing or damaging, as well as every available action within their disposal to maintain the personal data security, integrity and privacy.

Use of Data

LTD „ SMINI” will process the personal data in an honest manner and within regulations and will not use the personal data for any other uses without consent of the user or outside the limits of regulations listed in our Privacy Policy.

LTD „ SMINI” will use the accumulated personal data to:

Create orders
Help LTD „ SMINI” improve the site and ease of access to client online
Provide client with information of the latest LTD „ SMINI” products and services
Creation of orders, client support, payment processing and service needs
And other actions within regulatory acts
Order Completion online

If a client wants to fill an order online, LTD „ SMINI” needs to know clients first name, last name, e-mail address, phone number, address and data required to fulfil the online payment. This information is required to finish the order and to maintain the order status.

Surveys and Contests

LTD „ SMINI” will occasionally do site user surveys and/or promotional contests. Whereas the participation is voluntary, LTD „ SMINI” may require additional information from client if he/she has agreed to participate in the survey or contest. Survey results will be summarized and made publically available to other site users, indicating other user opinions towards a certain subject. Survey results are shown only to display the average results without indicating an individual user’s answer. Information used in contest needs will be used only for the purposes of the contest and contacting winners of the contest, unless specified otherwise in the contest rules.

E-mail Communication with „ SMINI”

If the client has registered on LTD „ SMINI” site and has agreed to receive e-mails from „ SMINI” with the latest information „ SMINI” once in a while will email client with offers from „ SMINI”, including special offers and additional information that might be useful to client. Client can decline the use of their information by emailing „ SMINI” using the email address and indicating their name and email address. Upon email received LTD „ SMINI” will remove the client from the mail list for special offers.


LTD „ SMINI” maintains rights to collect data about online site users using cookies to improve the services provided to customers. Cookies a packet of data sent by an Internet server to a browser, which is returned by the browser each time it subsequently accesses the same server, used to identify the user or track their access to the server. The browser can be configured in a way to warn the client about the use of cookies and give them the choice whether to use cookies or not. Disapproval of the use of cookies will not forbid the access to, however, it can limit the access of site.

Third Parties

LTD „ SMINI” will not share Personal data with third parties unless is so required by lawful premises. For the purposes of maintaining quality service, the information will be shared to its strategical partners such as delivery services or other companies dedicated to helping LTD „ SMINI” successfully function and operate. In such cases LTD „ SMINI” will require the third parties to abide the rules that LTD „ SMINI” has set for itself in terms of Data Security.

LTD „ SMINI” will take all precautions to secure its clients personal data in cases of the information being given outside of Latvia jurisdiction.

LTD „ SMINI” will take all precautions to not share personal client data with any third party organizations or persons that are residing in any country that does not comply with standard data protection practices, unless:

Client has agreed to data being submitted to a specific organization or individual
It is required to fulfil the legal obligations with a client
It is required to fulfil legal obligations in the name of clients’ interests
It has been allowed within regulatory requirements.
An individual’s personal information can be shared with another country if the regulatory requirements fit, such as but not limited to national security, the fight against terrorism and any additional requirements that might be in aid for the law enforcement authorities.

Access to Personal Data

If a written request is issued from a certain individual, LTD „ SMINI” will inform the Data Subject about the personal data processed, data receivable source (if allowed to share), date when the last changes were made in the personal data, reasons for data issuing, data receivers or data receiver categories and/or if the information is processed automatically. LTD „ SMINI” will take the necessary precautions to improve or delete any inaccuracies in the personal data of which LTD „ SMINI” has been informed directly or using any of the communication sources listed. LTD „ SMINI” will take the possible steps to inform an individual about the changes made in their personal data. LTD „ SMINI” keeps all rights to limit access, options to edit or delete data in accordance with applicable regulations. LTD „ SMINI” maintain the rights to edit or change the rules of access to personal data, including but not limited to changing the order and ease of access to personal data.


LTD „ SMINI” keeps all rights to change the Privacy Policy according to its own judgement within the applicable regulations of Latvia. The Privacy Policy information is publically available at LTD „ SMINI” site and are applicable from the date of publication indicated.

LTD „ SMINI” Privacy Policy or privacy policy rules is an integral part of site Terms and Agreements.

If you have any questions or believe that the personal data is not processed accordingly to the Privacy Policy written above, please contact LTD „ SMINI” using e-mail